Wordgency™ is a fast paced wordgame that is fun for the whole family. Player's race to yell out a word that fits the given prompt and letter, playing in either competitive and cooperative game modes. From conception to release, I managed the production of this brain game, working with our internal teams, outside industrial designers, and our overseas factory.


Audio Editing in Audacity
Built wireframe to communicate functionality needs with factory. Completed iterative testing and updated wireframe as needed. Selected audio, wrote script, and worked with voice talent to record audio. Edited and prepared audio using Audacity.

Ideated initial form factors in 2D and 3D. Managed external industrial designer to further explore form factor. Built 3D model based on final sketches and updated based on internal feedback. Tested interactive prototypes before approving for final production.
Wordgency™ is property of Educational Insights®
Find more information here: https://www.educationalinsights.com/item-wordgency-8482